ORDER The Freedom & Unity CLASSROOM KIT below via Google Wallet.
The Freedom & Unity Classroom Kit provides the resources you need to guide your students through inquiry-based explorations of Vermont’s history and culture. Designed to integrate with your current curriculum, the kit includes video segments covering 12 Vermont-related topics, along with a complete Teacher Guide that includes lesson plans, standards correlations, and resource links. See downloadable Lesson Plan PDF links to the right of this page.
See our presentation to teachers
Order today at $35 + $3 shipping, and we’ll ship the Freedom & Unity Teacher Guide to you now with your DVD. There’s no better way to bring the history and culture of Vermont into your classroom! We do accept Purchase Orders from your school. LEARN MORE
FREEDOM & UNITY: The Vermont Movie
A collaboration of several Vermont filmmakers, The Vermont Movie explores our state’s independent spirit over the centuries. It’s the first Vermont documentary to examine the values and themes, over history to the present day, that define the Green Mountain State and its people. LEARN MORE, watch the trailer!
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to your participation in this exciting new, 100% local, social studies initiative!
The Vermont Movie educational component is made possible by grants from the Vermont Arts and Humanities Councils, Vermont Community Foundation, and the Bay and Paul Foundation.
Good news! Build on your new resource, the Freedom & Unity Classroom Kit, by applying for a filmmaker visit to the classroom. Many of the documentary’s filmmakers have agreed to spend an hour plus prep time working with a teacher and students, and grant funding will cover the cost. Funds are limited. Download a Classroom Visit Request Form
Use the "Contact" link above, or for more information on the classroom media and study guide, email us at schools@thevermontmovie.com
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- Download PDF Lesson Plans:
Native Americans, Native Vermonters
Colonial Settlement
French Canadians and Child Labor
A Fugitive Slave Memoir
Inventors and Innovation
Barre’s Socialist Labor Party Hall
Town Meetings
Farms and Families
Change the World Kids
Welcome to Vermont
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